
The whole world is a buzz with talk of the next big thing – Wearables. Wearable technology offers a wide range of opportunities for everyone from manufacturers to consumers. Fitness armbands, for example, gather data during exercise sessions and enable users to optimize workouts. Tracking and monitoring solutions can improve security and help consumers learn more about themselves.

But achieving Always On wearables performance is tough. Most of today’s devices have to be plugged in to get at the data, or have ridiculously short battery lives. Important breakthroughs are needed that DockOn can deliver.

Our Technology

Quantal Core Technologies allow world beating sensitivity and noise reduction at incredibly low power. Advanced wearables will use radio signals to sense pulse rate, blood sugar levels and much, much more. To do that with usable battery life requires the performance breakthroughs promised by our Quantal Core Technologies.  And for a very small, highly efficient antenna that can be printed on many surfaces; supports miserly battery use; and can deal with the variations that the human body creates in radio signals – look no further than CPL Antennas.

Contact us if you would like to be first to market with these performance breakthroughs!

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Further Reading

Wearable Technology

DockOn provides incredible advantages if you are designing wearables.

Quantal Core Technologies

DockOn provides incredible advantages if you are designing wearables.

CPL Whitepaper

DockOn provides incredible advantages if you are designing wearables.

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