Our Approach
Empowering your successful custom wireless design project.
With performance-leading CPL Antennas, proven methodology, and an experienced antenna engineering team, our deliverables-based approach ensures your wireless product will provide a distinct competitive advantage.
We become part of your team and work closely with engineering and marketing, ensuring your project’s success. Antenna design doesn’t have to be complicated - we’ll clearly guide you through every step of design.
Here's our approach:

Understand the Possible
We work directly with your engineering and marketing teams to understand your wireless product design goals. We'll demystify the antenna design process and show you how to unlock your product's true wireless potential.
Prototype the Potential
Once we've designed your antenna, we'll create a prototype and ensure optimized wireless performance. Our antenna experts will perform extensive real-world testing, going the extra mile to ensure your product's performance in its actual environment.
Sell the Powerful
With testing complete, your antenna will be production ready. Our rapid antenna design services will enable you to develop high-performing devices quicker than ever. And you'll gain a competitive advantage for wireless performance.
Meet our team.
You can't do it alone and neither can we, a lot of hard working passionate people make the wheels at DockOn turn. At DockOn, we are absolutely dedicated to making your wireless product development faster, leaner, and more effective.
In fact, we think helping you be "on time and on budget" is setting a pretty low bar for wireless product development success. We want you to be in control of your own destiny, because no matter how fast things change, you've got the speed and agility to move to the front of the pack.
Meet the Team »

Next Page: Learn more about our Antenna Design Applications »
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